“But seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.”

Matthew 6:33

Darren Hook

My wife, LeeAnn, and I have been in and around church most of our lives, but did not become “born-again” or establish personal relationships with Jesus Christ until we were young adults. We believe God may have allowed us to experience some time in the “wilderness” so we can better minister and relate to all kinds of people today. The desire of our hearts is to see men, women, boys, and girls grow in their Christian walks through authentic relationships with Jesus Christ. Because of our journeys, we are confident that no matter what has happened in anyone’s past, God is in the business of forgiveness, reconciliation, change, and salvation.


Senior Pastor

I surrendered to God’s calling on my life into full-time ministry over 25 years ago and feel very blessed to serve as Senior Pastor of Covenant Church. We’ve seen many changes in our culture and church during my 17 years in ministry at Covenant, but throughout those years we have never stopped proclaiming the truth of God’s word and standing on scripture as our guiding principle. The Core Values that drive everything we do are: Christ is Essential, Worship is Necessary, Community is Vital, Giving is Transformational and Serving is Life-Giving.

Covenant continues to grow in mission by reaching out locally, nationally, and internationally. We encourage all members of the Covenant Church family to serve in some way to the best of their ability and have many opportunities for each person to use their specific gifts to serve others. I have a soft heart for Compassion International and adoption, so I am excited that our church supports children and communities in El Salvador and the Dominican Republic, and holds an annual Race for Adoption to help local adoptive families with expenses.

LeeAnn and I enjoy being in ministry together and spending time outdoors in God’s beautiful creation and with our growing family.

I invite you to come worship at Covenant where we follow the Holy Spirit’s leading in “Igniting Faith and Changing Lives.

Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not rely on your own insight. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths.”

Proverbs 3:5-6

Laura Geloni

Executive Pastor

Growing up in Miami, Florida, I was raised with the mindset that God and community are connected, which set the foundation for my life. During college, as I searched for my place in the world and a deeper relationship with Christ, God ignited a desire within me to serve His people. When my heart was awakened and I was reminded of the love of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit and the gift of grace for all people, I recommitted my life to Christ. Through this deeper relationship, I now believe God allowed me to go through some hard seasons as a young adult so I could help others in their difficult times.

Through serving at Covenant for the past ten years, studies at Asbury Theological Seminary, and ordination to the Global Methodist Church, God has shaped His desires within my heart to serve His local church and community. I am blessed to serve the Covenant Church family as Executive Pastor.

Covenant has been a church home to our family; my husband Tullio, our son, Brady, and I serve God together and are thankful to be able to witness Christ’s light to those around us. God’s Word is truth and the foundation we need to live in this world. Jesus told us God gave us His scripture to read, then we are to move from hearing His Word to being His disciples in the world. I look forward to spending time with you as we, “Ignite Faith and Change Lives,” with the Holy Spirit as our guide.